The start


Business idea


Customers and clients

Kubalski Trading Ltd was founded by Edward Kubalski in the early 2000s.

Kubalski Trading Ltd has since been doing business with China and has built a large network of businesses and people in the country. We have for 20 years, working with our Chinese business partners, which today is a part of Kubalski Trading Ltd.

Our mission is to offer you, the customer, Kubalski Trading Ltd unique network of Chinese and Indian suppliers, and thus give you the opportunity to realize your products at the right cost and quality.

Obviously, we take total responsibility for both quality and technical performance is an accordance with the agreed specifications. 


With an office in Sweden and an office in Beijing with a staff of four, make sure that we constantly monitor the market and maintain a high level of service to our clients.

Our staff on site in Beijing carries out quality checks on needs and requirements. They inspect, for example material quality, production, working environment and working conditions with our suppliers and partners. 

Our clients consist of both small and large companies in all business areas, as well as private individuals.

Do not hesitate to contact us! No matter volume and size, your inquiry is of interest.  



Kubalski Trading in the press


Edward Kubalski has opened the door to China.Kinesisk trio låter sig imponeras på vänskapsbesök i Hälleforsnäs.